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Saturday, June 27, 2009

Gluten-free fast food: It's out there

The article lists 11 well known fast food chains and what they offer that if gluten-free (or not).

Gluten-free fast food: It's out there

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Monday, June 22, 2009

Braised Round Steak with Carrots

This dish is pretty why most of us like meat. The picture is enough to water your mouth. Throw in a baked potato and some Texas Toast, top it off with some Ice Tea. I feel like I'm back at Mamas house. Please enjoy!

Braised Round Steak with Carrots & Zucchini

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Fat-free vegan banana bread recipe

The picture says it all. Not only is it fat-free,it's easy to make it's easy to make it's common ingredients.

Fat-free vegan banana bread recipe

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Perfect for a Picnic: Zesty Shallot Deviled Eggs Recipe

I haven't had deviled eggs in forever. I hope they taste as good as they look. If you try this recipe, give a yell back and let us know how it went.

Perfect for a Picnic: Zesty Shallot Deviled Eggs Recipe

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Gluten-free blueberry-peach bread pudding recipe

Not only is this fine dessert gluten-free, you could substitute fat-free eggs and skim milk (or silk) and pretty much make it fat-free. Sounds good to me.

Gluten-free blueberry-peach bread pudding recipe

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Fast Food: Would You Like 1,000 Calories with That?

It's likely that most of us have indulged in some of these things. I simply love cheesecake, so I dare go near the such places. Fortunately, with my limited budget, I rarely eat at places like the CheeseCake Factory, Applebees, the Outback, or even Starbucks.

This is another of those articles attempting to make us aware of the what we are really putting into our bodies.

Fast Food: Would You Like 1,000 Calories with That?

John Crawford

Accokeek Computers
Mamas Best Recipes
The Cartouche - Science Fiction Reviews
Simple Opportunities

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Sunday, June 21, 2009

The Hidden Dangers of Soy - book review

If you are a vegetarian, or have ever tried to substitute soy for meat in your diet, then you should read this book. Let me say, I am not a vegan, as vegetarians like to be referred to. I am a meat lover, as most of you readers no doubt are too. But I have started to use soy based "meat replacements" when it make sense. I'll be the first to admit that soy products just don't have the "flavor" their real counterparts have. But I do know there are some real health benefits, especially for those of us that need to lose some weight, and generally take better care of our health. This book points out some of the things to be watchful for, as it relates to soy. I hope it will help you.

The Hidden Dangers of Soy - book review

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REC(ession)IPES: Recipes that stretch a dollar in the kitchen without sacrificing taste or health.

This is a meatless recipe that is very nutritious, and cheap to make. Enjoy!

REC(ession)IPES: Recipes that stretch a dollar in the kitchen without sacrificing taste or health.

John Crawford

Accokeek Computers
Mamas Best Recipes
The Cartouche - Science Fiction Reviews
Simple Opportunities

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Nutty Belly-Buster Breakfast Cookie

Nutty Belly-Buster Breakfast Cookie
Explains the MUFA diet along with the recipe 'Nutty Belly-Buster Breakfast Cookie'.

Grilling Healthy Style for Father

Grilling Healthy Style for Father’s Day!

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